Friday, January 28, 2011

In Memorium - Tom Sarconi

I am sorry to write that yet another member of our Central family has fallen to cancer.

Today on Facebook, Tom's wife, Marilyn Connelli Sarconi, broke the sad news of Tommy's passing yesterday morning.

It was wonderful that we were able to see Tom in September when he and Marilyn attended the 45th reunion in Pueblo.

We all have good memories of Tom Sarconi and Central High; personally, I remember him fondly as one of the nicest boys at school. 

Our prayers and thoughts go to you, Marilyn, and to your family. We will carry you and Tommy in our hearts always. 

Take good care, friends from Central. We must all remember to live each day to its fullest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terribly sorry about Tom, we grew up right down the street from each other, God Bless him!